2106614135 Arcadia 9, Gerakas eketh2@gmail.com
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Parent Groups
Specialized Treatment Center - Center for Special Treatments for children and adolescents - Gerakas Attica


At Gerakas Specialized Treatment Center, we understand the importance of accompanying and supporting parents during the upbringing and development of their children. We know that parenting can bring many challenges and concerns, which is why we provide parenting support groups to help parents deal with these challenges.

Our parenting groups are for parents to share their experiences, concerns and difficulties they face in their daily lives. It's a place where they can learn new parenting skills, get expert advice, and find support from other parents facing similar challenges.

Our parenting group meetings cover a wide range of topics, including child development, stress management, dealing with child behavior, and communicating with children. We also organize special meetings with professionals who offer advice and information on topics such as child psychology, education, and youth development.

At Gerakas Specialized Treatment Center, we believe that support and sharing experiences with other parents is essential to a strong and healthy family life. If you are looking for support and encouragement from other parents, contact us today. We are here to help you on your journey of parenting and family happiness.